Guiding Principles & Goals

Guiding Principles

  • Redeploy Illinois should ensure that youth are served in their home communities and that families are an integral part of the planning process and treatment.
  • Collaboration among key players including probation officers, prosecutors, public defenders, judges, community service providers, therapists, counselors, youth and families is vital to developing and executing a plan that will help produce the best outcomes for participating youth.
  • Strong communication of our successes will help improve participation and support for services that aim to reduce youths’ involvement in the juvenile justice system.
  • Redeploy Illinois shall do no harm.
  • A successful Redeploy Illinois program requires local discretion, planning, and implementation.
  • It is critical to incentivize participation and encourage counties to provide community-based and evidence-based programming through Redeploy Illinois while ensuring that participating communities are accountable.
  • Flexibility-Programs developed with Redeploy Illinois funds must meet local needs, be incentive-based, employ evidence-based practice and evaluation, and encourage voluntary participation.
  • Services offered through Redeploy Illinois should be based upon individual assessments including risk level.
  • A focus on training and development and on promoting stakeholder buy-in is critical for statewide expansion.
  • Transparency-Aggregate data should be made public and shared with members of the community and other stakeholders to improve and monitor the program.
  • Evaluation-There should be ongoing evaluation of Redeploy Illinois’ programmatic impact to help reduce racial and ethnic disparities.        


  • Redeploy Illinois will work to ease restriction on eligibility for funding while maintaining accountability for those who receive funding.
  • Redeploy Illinois will seek to strengthen statutory restrictions on commitments and to establish criteria to prevent widening. Redeploy Illinois will seek to align disparate elements of the juvenile justice system to in the interest of improving the overall quality and effectiveness of its programs and services.
  • Redeploy Illinois aims to provide services for at-risk youth in their community while maintaining public safety.