Redeploy Illinois Annual Report – January 2010

The Redeploy Illinois Oversight Board expresses its thanks to former Illinois Department of Human Services Secretary Dr. Carol Adams for her careful and foresightful establishment and administration of the Redeploy Illinois initiative. Under her leadership, the Redeploy Illinois Oversight Board was empowered to actively engage in the formation and evaluation of Redeploy Illinois, and to engage with local communities so that their perspectives were not lost in the overall administrative effort. She also recruited and appointed an excellent staff to support her in this endeavor.

The Oversight Board extends its sincere thanks to staff at the Illinois Department of Human Services, including Karrie Rueter and James Reynolds, and Hon. John Payne (ret.) of Youth Network Council, who have worked energetically and creatively to support Redeploy Illinois and the efforts of the Board. Several individuals from other agencies contributed significantly to this report and to our efforts this past year; they include: Janice Shallcross at the Illinois Department of Juvenile Justice; Sharon Shipinski and Steven Karr at the Illinois Department of Corrections; Mark Myrent, Erica Hughes, and Lindsay Bostwick at the Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority; and Esther Franco-Payne at Chicago Metropolis 2020.

Finally, the Oversight Board expresses sincere thanks to the locally based Redeploy Illinois program staff and administrators, and to the many professionals working in the juvenile justice systems in their respective communities, who not only worked strenuously to implement quality programs, but who also tolerated our many questions, requests, and intrusions, so that the best information and the true stories about local experiences make their way into our evaluation and decision making processes.